David Exline, President
[fa icon="calendar'] Jan 29, 2013 9:50:34 AM / by David Exline posted in analytical instrumentation, analytical testing, Authors, Blog, chemical imaging, crime scene investigation, fluorescence microscopy, forensic expert, FTIR, GMP, hyperspectral imaging, light microscopy, pharmaceutical, pharmaceutical forensics, Raman chemical imaging, Raman spectroscopy, spectroscopy, trace evidence, USP testing methods
Presumptive Testing of Biological Fluids
[fa icon="calendar'] May 15, 2012 10:28:28 AM / by Cara Plese posted in Blog, forensic expert, Forensics, forensics, hyperspectral imaging, Presumptive Testing, testing for blood, testing for saliva, testing for urine, Trace Evidence
The evaluation of forensic evidence has changed significantly since the 1994 DNA Identification Act. Forensic DNA analysis plays a critical role in criminal investigations, and as a result now presents forensic labs with huge backlog issues due to the number of samples submitted for examination. This is where presumptive testing of evidence, such as suspected biological fluids, can be helpful.