
The Particle Articles

Gateway Analytical to Present at 2012 MAAFS Meeting: The Introduction of Hyperspectral Imaging as an Additional Method of Examination for Tapes

[fa icon="calendar'] May 10, 2012 10:08:58 AM / by Cara Plese posted in Blog, fluorescence Hyperspectral Imaging, forensic expert, Forensics, forensics, tape examination, trace evidence, Trace Evidence

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The Mid-Atlantic Association of Forensic Scientists (MAAFS) annual meeting is being held later this month from May 14th through the 18th.  MAAFS is one of several regional/state forensic science associations in the United States.  Regional meetings are great for scientists to attend because they usually require less travel than attending the national AAFS meeting, and they provide a more personal forum for presentations and also networking with scientists from that particular region.  MAAFS is also a great forum for student presenters, as scholarships are awarded annually. I will be presenting on Thursday, May 17thon the benefits of including fluorescence Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI) in the battery of analyses that are typically applied to tape examination.    Fluorescence HSI adds value to tape examination, because it is a macroscopic analysis that provides both visual and spectral results, requires little samples preparation, is non destructive, and can allow for a quick elimination in a comparison of known and questioned tapes.

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