
The Particle Articles

Now What?: After the Accreditation Celebration

[fa icon="calendar'] Jul 25, 2013 10:00:13 AM / by Admin posted in accreditation, Blog, continual quality improvement, ISO 17025, ISO 9001, Quality Assurance, Quality Corner, quality management system

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The day the certificate arrives in the mail, it finally sinks in – all that hard work, extra time in the office, hours spent preparing has finally paid off! As you adjust to the idea that the fruits of your labor have finally (FINALLY!) been recognized, another realization begins to come to light. Along with the satisfaction of hanging your accreditation certificate on the wall, you've also come to the realization that the journey has just begun. As with any complex and detailed structure, your newly accredited quality management system is going to need continued TLC to guarantee its success.

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