
The Particle Articles

Q&A Recap for In Depth Analysis of Particle Contamination for Tablet and Semi-Solid Drug Products

[fa icon="calendar'] Sep 4, 2013 8:55:27 AM / by Admin posted in analytical testing, Blog, drug product, foreign particulate matter, manufacturing, particle contamination, Pharmaceutical, semi-solids, Tablets

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On August 28th, Cara Plese, M.S., Scientist I and David Exline, Senior V.P. at Gateway Analytical hosted a webinar designed for professionals (e.g. Quality Control, Industrial Engineers) involved in the production and development of tablet and semi-solid drug products. During this webinar, our presenters provided examples of commonly found contaminants in tablet and semi-solid drug products and how these contaminants are introduced into the manufacturing process. They presented a basic multi-tiered analytical approach to characterize foreign particulate matter and how to solve particulate contamination issues using a scientific approach. The importance of taking a pro-active approach to quickly source and manage contaminant issues in the manufacturing process to reduce the risk of future contamination was also discussed.

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In Depth Analysis of Particle Contamination for Tablet and Semi-Solid Drug Products

[fa icon="calendar'] Aug 28, 2013 12:00:17 AM / by Admin posted in analytical testing, Blog, drug product, foreign particulate matter, manufacturing, particle contamination, Pharmaceutical, Pharmaceutical QA/QC Investigations Webinars, Semi-Solid, tablet

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Original Event Date: Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Duration: 60 minutes
Presenters: David Exline, Senior Vice President & Cara Plese, M.S., Scientist I at Gateway Analytical
Host: Tifanie Tiberio, Event Coordinator at Gateway Analytical

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