
The Particle Articles

Working to Address the FDA Critical Path Opportunity for Generic Nasal Spray Suspensions

[fa icon="calendar"] Jan 22, 2013 3:27:15 PM / by Admin


FDA Critical Path Opportunity FDA Critical Path Opportunity


Original Event Date: Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Duration: 1 Hour
Presenters: Tracey Safran, Senior Account Manager and Oksana Olkhovyk, PhD, Senior Scientist at Gateway Analytical
Host: Shawn Wilhelm, Marketing Coordinator at Gateway Analytical

Highlighted Topics Covered:

  • What the FDA critical path opportunity is for generic nasal spray suspensions
  • How Gateway Analytical's method for drug particle sizing can address this critical path opportunity
  • Why this service has the potential to save generic drug manufacturers a considerable amount of time and money
  • Provide information on Gateway Analytical's process for addressing the critical path opportunity
  • The importance of using a cGMP certified lab for quality control and assurance

Webinar Overview:

The FDA stated in their 2007 Critical Path Opportunity for Generic Drugs that “If the drug particle size distribution of test and reference products can be demonstrated to be equivalent, then nasal spray suspensions could be treated like nasal spray solutions. The critical path opportunity is to develop methods to measure drug particle size in a suspension product with sufficient accuracy and precision so that in vivo biostudies can be waived.”

This webinar was designed for generic drug manufacturers of nasal spray suspensions. During this webinar, our presenters discussed how the method of  Ingredient-Specific Particle Sizing (ISPS) using Raman Chemical Imaging (RCI) developed by Gateway Analytical, can address the critical path opportunity by providing the accurate and precise drug particle size measurement to demonstrate bioequivalence. This service offering has the potential to save considerable time and money for generic nasal spray suspension developers if in vivo biostudies are waived.

The presenters also provided information on Gateway Analytical's process for addressing the critical path opportunity; outlining the development of the feasibility study, writing and implementing the validation protocol, and the sample size needed for analysis as required by the FDA. The importance of using a cGMP certified lab for quality control and assurance was also be discussed.

Replay Webinar

Presenter Bios:


Tracey Safran


Tracey Safran, Senior Account Manager
Gateway Analytical

Tracey joined Gateway Analytical at its inception in November of 2010 transferring her skills from the parent company, ChemImage Corporation where she began in 2003. She is responsible for the account management of clients in need of analytical testing for pharmaceuticals, specifically for ingredient-specific particle sizing using Raman Chemical Imaging for nasal, inhalation, and semi-solids drug products.

Tracey is very active in the pharmaceutical community, interacting with various organizations which expose her to new advancements in inhalation and nasal technology methods. Through these interactions, she is able to guide clients to the best solution for their analytical testing needs.


Oksana Olkhovyk, Ph.D., Senior Scientist Oksana Olkhovyk


Oksana Olkhovyk, PhD, Senior Scientist
Gateway Analytical

Oksana is a lead scientist for analytical services involving nasal, inhalation, and semi-solid drug products at Gateway Analytical such as ingredient-specific particle sizing analysis, polymorph identification and content uniformity.  Oksana is managing a chemical imaging laboratory that specializes in chemical-specific analysis of pharmaceutical products by  high-resolution microscopy, SEM-EDS, hyperspectral and confocal chemical imaging, spectroscopy, FT-IR and other GMP-compliant analytical methods.

Oksana's primary responsibilities include project management, instrument quality and standardization, method development and validation, customer communications and technical support, scientific collaborations between Gateway Analytical and leading academic entities and pharmaceutical companies.

Please note: We had some technical issues with the sound in the beginning of the webinar, which were resolved shortly after the start of the webinar.  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us

Topics: bioequivalence, Blog, cGMP laboratory, Critical Path Opportunity, Generic nasal spray suspsension, Ingredient-Specific Particle Sizsing, Pharmaceutical, Pharmaceutical Webinars, Raman chemical imaging, Recorded Webinars


Written by Admin

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