
The Particle Articles

Welcome to the Particle Articles

[fa icon="calendar"] Feb 14, 2017 1:47:30 PM / by Paige Cohen

Welcome to the first post from the Particle Articles, Gateway Analytical's new blog!

We're here to tell you more about... 

  • Best practices and tips for the analytical laboratory
  • Stories relevant to our customers and industries that we serve
  • A sampling of our day-to-day activities at Gateway Analytical

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine’s Day! This blog post will be short and sweet (pun intended). Let's talk about some things that we love. 

Speaking of people that we love, and in honor of International Day of Women and Girls in Science which occurred on February 11th, we would like for this blog post to honor one of our biggest assets, our scientists. Gateway Analytical’s scientific staff is 85% female.

Another thing that we love is sugar! One of our expert scientists, Angela Flowers, took the SEM-EDS image below of sugar crystals after our celebratory Valentine’s Day spread. 

sweets.jpg      sugar.jpg

Before SEM-EDS Analysis and After

Learn More About SEM-EDS

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Topics: scientists, just for fun, analysis, microscopy, sem-eds, scanning electron microscopy, particle analysis

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