
The Particle Articles

Audit Tips, Remember the Auditor Always Wins

[fa icon="calendar'] Feb 19, 2013 1:30:02 PM / by Tricia Wood posted in audit tips, Blog, certification, customer audits, Quality Assurance, quality assurance, quality control, Quality Corner, quality management system, quality system

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During the course of my 25 year career in QA/QC, I have hosted and/or participated in an estimated 70 audits. This includes both certification and customer audits. Over the course of those years, my approach has changed quite a bit. Early on, I would approach audits with angst and trepidation. In other words, I would dread them. But over the years, experience (and yes age) has changed that view, as I now see audits as tools for improvement. I’ve also come to realize that auditors are people too and not to be feared—especially since I have conducted many audits myself.

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