
The Particle Articles

How Forensics Plays a Role in Civil Litigation

Mar 28, 2013 12:29:19 PM / by Rebekah Byrne posted in Blog, civil cases, Civil litigation support, forensic science, Forensics, product investigative analyses, Trace Evidence Examination


Many times, when people hear the words “forensic science,” the initial instinct is to think of the typical TV crime show scenario, involving violent crimes and murder (enter in any various song by The Who).  While there is no argument that forensics plays a significant role in these types of situations, many times people don’t realize the value that forensic techniques can have for other types of scenarios. Criminal forensics is only one division of the forensic science field. Another legal area that can benefit greatly from forensics analyses is the branch of civil law. Civil litigation involves disputes between parties in which compensation rather than punishment is the focus, which could include anything from various torts to contract laws to property laws.  Just as in criminal law, civil law involves a need for evidence to prove a case.

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