
The Particle Articles

Becoming Published for the First Time

[fa icon="calendar"] Oct 4, 2013 8:46:28 AM / by Rebekah Byrne

MP900401003Opportunity is something that everyone looks for in a career. Opportunity does not just come in the form of ability to climb the promotional ladder; it comes in many forms. Whether that opportunity is providing employees with the ability to continue education and training or to encourage professional development through external presentations and publications, employers have the power to empower their team members with these types of opportunities. This empowerment generates morale and professional confidence in employees.

I recently had the opportunity to co-author an article with David Exline for Inhalation Magazine. One of Gateway Analytical’s areas of expertise is that of sourcing pharmaceutical contamination. In our article, we specifically focused on contamination of inhalable drug products, and how one can utilize techniques frequently used in criminal trace evidence analysis to help determine possible source for that contamination.

This being my first professional publication, I learned a lot about the publishing process and how much time and work goes into putting together just one article. Editor, Vicki Schuman, was very helpful with correspondence between Inhalation magazine’s team and Gateway’s group. She facilitated the process seamlessly, from guidance on choosing the topic to write through the editing process. It was exciting to see the end product, “A Forensic Approach to Particulate Contamination in Inhalable Drug Products,” in print. I can now say from personal experience, that being published was indeed an empowering opportunity, and I look forward to authoring articles and papers in the future.

Topics: Blog, criminal trace evidence analysis, Inhalable drug products, Inhalation Magazine, Opportunity, pharmaceutical contamination, professional development

Rebekah Byrne

Written by Rebekah Byrne

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