While communication is not the sole responsibility of the quality department, it certainly plays a large role in the management and execution of an effective quality system. Even for the most organized and well documented quality system, successful communication is a must. Although I have discussed effective communication in the past, I want to focus on written communication. In the day and age of texting and social media, it seems as though with all of means for personal interface that we would become better at communication. However, I have noticed when it comes to thorough and precise written communication, it now seems to be a coveted skill rather than an inherent capability.
The Written Word: An Important Part of Quality Communication
Jun 4, 2014 1:33:16 PM / by Tricia Wood posted in Blog, quality assurance, quality communication, quality control, quality management system
Continuous Quality Improvement: A Job for Everyone
Sep 16, 2013 9:19:32 AM / by Admin posted in Blog, Quality Assurance, quality assurance, quality control, Quality Corner, quality management system, quality system
When everything within your quality system seems to be running like a well-oiled machine, it is easy to get stuck in a rut and perceive a lack of corrective actions or deviations as a signal that nothing needs to change. However, just because something works well does not negate the fact that it can be improved.
Now What?: After the Accreditation Celebration
Jul 25, 2013 10:00:13 AM / by Admin posted in accreditation, Blog, continual quality improvement, ISO 17025, ISO 9001, Quality Assurance, Quality Corner, quality management system
The day the certificate arrives in the mail, it finally sinks in – all that hard work, extra time in the office, hours spent preparing has finally paid off! As you adjust to the idea that the fruits of your labor have finally (FINALLY!) been recognized, another realization begins to come to light. Along with the satisfaction of hanging your accreditation certificate on the wall, you've also come to the realization that the journey has just begun. As with any complex and detailed structure, your newly accredited quality management system is going to need continued TLC to guarantee its success.
Setting the Right Quality Objectives to Help Drive Your Organization's Success
Jun 21, 2013 10:00:02 AM / by Tricia Wood posted in Blog, customer satisfaction, Quality Assurance, Quality Corner, quality management system, Quality Objectives
ISO 9001:2008 clause 5.4.1 requires top management to establish quality objectives. The objectives selected must be measurable and consistent with the quality policy. The real sign of a high quality objective is its alignment with the overall goals of the organization. Keep in mind that the manner in which quality objectives are selected and monitored can greatly impact an organization’s success.
What's in a Word? The Importance of Using the Proper Quality Terminology in the Lab
May 31, 2013 10:12:45 AM / by Tricia Wood posted in Blog, Quality Assurance, quality assurance, quality control, Quality Corner, quality management system, quality system
It may seem a little nitpicky to point out the difference between conformance and compliance, validation and qualification, or even registered and certified. After all, how often is someone going to ask you to correctly define compliance and use it properly in a sentence? Unless your employer exercises their right to hand out pop quizzes, probably never.
“Quality” Quality Training: More than Just 30 Minutes in a Conference Room
Mar 20, 2013 1:42:07 PM / by Tricia Wood posted in Blog, Quality Assurance, quality assurance, quality control, Quality Corner, quality management system, quality training
Every time I do training, I try to ask myself, “What is it that I am hoping to get out of this”? Typically in answering that question I also answer, “What do I hope the trainees get out of this?” Although many types of training are required on an annual basis, there is no reason for those doing the training to fall into a routine where they deliver the same set of PowerPoint slides year after year. Granted, there are important messages that must be delivered each and every time a particular topic is presented; however, that does not excuse the trainer from finding a dynamic, inventive and useful approach to deliver that message.
Audit Tips, Remember the Auditor Always Wins
Feb 19, 2013 1:30:02 PM / by Tricia Wood posted in audit tips, Blog, certification, customer audits, Quality Assurance, quality assurance, quality control, Quality Corner, quality management system, quality system
During the course of my 25 year career in QA/QC, I have hosted and/or participated in an estimated 70 audits. This includes both certification and customer audits. Over the course of those years, my approach has changed quite a bit. Early on, I would approach audits with angst and trepidation. In other words, I would dread them. But over the years, experience (and yes age) has changed that view, as I now see audits as tools for improvement. I’ve also come to realize that auditors are people too and not to be feared—especially since I have conducted many audits myself.
Tricia E. Wood, Director of Quality & Safety
Jan 29, 2013 2:50:14 PM / by Tricia Wood posted in analytical instrumentation, analytical testing, ASCLD/LAB-International accreditation, Authors, Blog, ISO 17025:2005 (A2LA), ISO 9001:2008, ISO Accreditation, problem solving, quality assurance, quality control, quality management system, quality system
Rebekah Leigh Byrne, Manager of Research & Development
Jan 29, 2013 2:48:31 PM / by Rebekah Byrne posted in analytical testing, Authors, Blog, forensics, FTIR, HIAC (USP), Molecular/DNA analysis, pharmaceutical, quality assurance, quality control, quality management system, microscopy, sem-eds
Management Review — More Than Just Another Boring Quality Meeting
Jan 18, 2013 11:00:11 AM / by Tricia Wood posted in Blog, Quality Assurance, quality assurance, quality control, Quality Corner, quality management, quality management system
By definition, management review is a formal meeting of top management with the purpose of reviewing and evaluating the effectiveness of the quality management system. Yes, I know, it sounds like another humdrum status report meeting. And unfortunately, that is the way it is viewed and conducted by many organizations. Management review is too often regarded as something to check off the list in order to satisfy a standard or an auditor. I must admit, when I first started holding management reviews, I shared that view. I would diligently set my agenda to include all of the required items; then I would simply steamroll through them. I’d write my report, file it away, and then proudly present it to the next auditor to examine. As a result, nothing was really gained and much valuable time was lost.