
The Particle Articles

Gateway Analytical Scientists Take Part in the Pine-Richland School District STEAM Curriculum

[fa icon="calendar"] Apr 10, 2012 2:51:19 PM / by David Exline

Pine-Richland STEAM Program

Two Gateway Analytical scientists (David Exline and Ryan Priore) have volunteered to take part in the advisory committee for the Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) program in the Pine Richland School District.   The intention of this committee is to combine the talents and interests of the community to best support students within the Pine-Richland School District.  This group will meet periodically to discuss our focus on STEAM at both the elementary and secondary grade levels within the school district.  Discussions during our advisory committee meetings will focus on corporate outreach and partnerships, building student interest in STEAM education and future careers, and hands-on classroom applications of STEAM curriculum.

The primary goal of the program is to create real-world learning opportunities where students are able to apply theory through hands-on experimentation.  The program hopes to develop partnerships throughout the Pine-Richland Community and the city of Pittsburgh so that professionals working in STEAM related careers will volunteer to come into the school to support curriculum and would invite students out into the field to see actual projects.

For additional information on this program, follow the links below.

Topics: Blog, Community, community, community support, education, forensics, Pine-Richland

David Exline

Written by David Exline

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