
The Particle Articles

New Webinar Series for Scientist on Chemical Imaging June - Sept.

[fa icon="calendar'] May 24, 2012 1:50:33 PM / by Admin posted in aqueous suspension formulations, Blog, coating thickness, Controlled Release, controlled release, Ingredient-Specific Particle Sizing, inhalation drugs, method development, Pharmaceutical, pharmaceutical, pharmaceutical formulation, pharmaceutical products, polymers, Raman chemical imaging, semi-solids

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Gateway Analytical will be offering a new webinar series for scientists, focused on chemical imaging, June though September of this year. This webinar series is designed for scientists developing and manufacturing various types of pharmaceutical products; including nasal, inhalation, semi-solid, solid, and controlled release drug delivery.

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Preview: Joint Poster at Respiratory Drug Delivery 2012

[fa icon="calendar'] May 4, 2012 2:11:41 PM / by Admin posted in analytical testing, Blog, dry powder inhaler, Ingredient-Specific Particle Sizing, method validation, Nasal Drug Products, Nasal suspension PSD, Pharmaceutical, pharmaceutical, pharmaceutical formulation, Raman chemical imaging

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This year at Respiratory Drug Delivery 2012, Dr. Oksana Olkhovyk will be presenting a poster with Christopher Vernall from the University of Bath which is located in the UK. This year’s poster topic, titled: “Investigation of the Microstructure of Combination Dry Powder Inhaler Formulations by Atomic Force Microscopy and Raman Chemical Imaging”, aims to investigate the microstructure of commercial Seretide® Accuhaler® using RCI and the cohesive-adhesive balance (CAB) approach to colloid probe AFM.

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Webinar Recap: Laboratory Methods for the Examination of Foreign Particulate Matter

[fa icon="calendar'] Apr 30, 2012 10:30:22 AM / by Admin posted in Blog, FTIR, FTIR spectroscopy, Pharmaceutical, pharmaceutical, pharmaceutical forensics, quality assurance, quality control, quality management system, Raman chemical imaging, SEM/EDS, source determination

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On April 25th, 2012 we hosted a live webinar titled “Laboratory Methods for the Examination of Foreign Particulate Matter.” During the webinar our presenters, David Exline, Senior V.P. and Antonio Scatena, Scientist at Gateway Analytical, discussed current methods of particulate isolation, laboratory testing methods for identifying foreign particulates and the company's forensic approach to source determination. During the webinar we received a number of questions, below is a sample of the Q&A session at the end of the webinar.

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Validation of Ingredient-Specific Particle Sizing for Nasal Suspension Products

[fa icon="calendar'] Mar 23, 2012 9:30:16 AM / by Oksana Olkhovyk posted in analytical testing, aqueous suspension formulations, Blog, method development, Nasal Drug Products, Nasal suspension PSD, Pharmaceutical, pharmaceutical formulation, Raman chemical imaging, spectroscopy

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Last week at PITTCON, Gateway Analytical scientists, Dr. Ryan J. Priore and Dr. Oksana Olkhovyk, presented in the Pharmaceutical - LC, GC and Raman session on the validation of Ingredient-Specific Particle Sizing (ISPS) for nasal suspension products using Raman Chemical Imaging (RCI).

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