
The Particle Articles

Preview: Joint Poster at Respiratory Drug Delivery 2012

[fa icon="calendar"] May 4, 2012 2:11:41 PM / by Admin

This year at Respiratory Drug Delivery 2012, Dr. Oksana Olkhovyk will be presenting a poster with Christopher Vernall from the University of Bath which is located in the UK. This year’s poster topic, titled: “Investigation of the Microstructure of Combination Dry Powder Inhaler Formulations by Atomic Force Microscopy and Raman Chemical Imaging”, aims to investigate the microstructure of commercial Seretide® Accuhaler® using RCI and the cohesive-adhesive balance (CAB) approach to colloid probe AFM.

The microstructure of combination dry powder inhaler (DPI) formulations is complex and is related to the surface interfacial interactions between components of the formulation, which define the structure, and thereby, performance of the formulation.

While previous studies have attempted to investigate the microstructure of combination DPI formulations using these techniques, those studies have focused primarily on the surface interaction between two different drugs and their aerodynamic particle size distribution.  In this presentation, CAB ratios of both active ingredients with respect to lactose and each other were investigated, and how they relate to the specific formulation microstructure.

After RDD we will provide a link to download the completed poster. Signup for our email alerts to be notified when it’s posted to the blog. If you would like a copy of the abstract please contact us.

Topics: analytical testing, Blog, dry powder inhaler, Ingredient-Specific Particle Sizing, method validation, Nasal Drug Products, Nasal suspension PSD, Pharmaceutical, pharmaceutical, pharmaceutical formulation, Raman chemical imaging


Written by Admin

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