
The Particle Articles

Identify Agglomerates by their Chemical Makeup using Raman Chemical Imaging

[fa icon="calendar"] Jun 13, 2013 9:13:44 AM / by Admin

Identify Agglomerates Original Event Date: Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Duration: 60 minutes
Presenters: Oksana Olkhovyk, Ph.D., Senior Scientist at Gateway Analytical
Host: Shawn Wilhelm, Marketing Coordinator at Gateway Analytical

Highlighted Topics Covered:

  • How Raman Chemical Imaging (RCI) can be used to identify  agglomerates by their chemical makeup in various drug formulations
  • How it can benefit developers of Orally Inhaled and Nasal Drug Products (OINDPs) and topicals
  • Compare RCI to other methods for identifying and sizing agglomerates including Anderson Cascade Impaction, Raman Microscopy and Confocal Spectroscopy.

Webinar Overview:

This webinar was designed for scientists working to develop various pharmaceutical drug products. During this webinar, we discussed how Raman Chemical Imaging (RCI) is an effective tool that can be used to identify agglomerates by their chemical makeup in various drug formulations, and how it can benefit developers of OINDPs such as nasal spray suspensions, dry powder inhalers (DPIs), metered dosed inhalers (MDIs), as well as semi-solids: topical creams, emulsions and gels. We also discussed the validation of the RCI method to objectively and precisely evaluate the extent and size of drug to drug or drug to excipient aggregates and compare it to other methods for identifying agglomerates including, optical microscopy, Anderson Cascade Impaction, Raman Microscopy and Confocal Spectroscopy.

Replay Webinar

Presenter Bio

Oksana-O-3-150x150Oksana Olkhovyk, Ph.D., Senior Scientist
Gateway Analytical

Oksana is a lead scientist for analytical services involving nasal, inhalation, and semi-solid drug products at Gateway Analytical such as ingredient-specific particle sizing analysis, polymorph identification and content uniformity.  Oksana is managing a chemical imaging laboratory that specializes in chemical specific analysis of pharmaceutical products by  high-resolution microscopy, SEM-EDS, hyperspectral and confocal chemical imaging, spectroscopy, FT-IR and other GMP-compliant analytical methods.

Oksana’s primary responsibilities include project management, instrument quality and standardization, method development and validation, customer communications and technical support, scientific collaborations between Gateway Analytical and leading academic entities and pharmaceutical companies.

Topics: Agglomerates, Blog, Dry Powder Inhalers, metered dosed inhalers, nasal spray suspensions, OINDPs, Orally Inhaled and Nasal Drug Products, Pharmaceutical, Pharmaceutical Webinars, Raman chemical imaging, Recorded Webinars


Written by Admin

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