
The Particle Articles

Intro to Forensic Analysis for Civil Product Liability Claims

[fa icon="calendar"] Feb 13, 2013 9:12:21 AM / by Admin

Original Event Date: Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Duration: 30 minutes
Presenters: David Exline, Senior Vice President at Gateway Analytical
Host: Shawn Wilhelm, Marketing Coordinator at Gateway Analytical

Highlighted Topics Covered:

  • General overview of product liability testing within the laboratory
  • Basic analytical testing methods and technologies used for testing different types of materials
  • Forensic approach to investigating, testing and defending analytical information related to products and product testing
  • Interpretation of the data and what conclusions can be made from the results

Webinar Overview:

Product liability issues have become increasingly important to industrial and pharmaceutical companies, as every product presents the potential for liability. Stringent quality control and processes are imperative when manufacturing a quality product to insure that product failures, such as contaminations, discolorations and product defects do not occur. However, even the best run systems cannot control all manufacturing and production issues.

This webinar was designed for attorneys and engineers involved in civil product liability claims. During this webinar, our presenter provided a general overview of product liability testing within the laboratory and discussed basic analytical testing methods and technologies used for testing different types of materials. Our presenter also provided a unique forensic approach to the investigation, testing and defense of analytical information related to products and product testing and provide details on how to interpret the data and what conclusions can be made from the results.

Replay Webinar


David Exline David Exline


Presenter Bio:

David Exline, Senior Vice President
Gateway Analytical 

David Exline has more than 18 years of experience in managing and administering analytical laboratory and consulting services. Although familiar with analytical practices in several industries, Mr. Exline’s expertise lies in the forensics, materials science and pharmaceutical realms. As a court-qualified expert in forensic trace evidence examination, he has instructed law enforcement agencies, attorneys and students in the collection, preservation and examination of various types of trace evidence, including hairs, fibers and paints.

In addition to his forensics background, David has focused on transferring forensic testing methodologies across industry boundaries utilizing these techniques to investigate particle contamination and materials characterization for major pharmaceutical and fortune 500 companies. He is adept in numerous pharmaceutical-related services and testing methods including: materials characterization, particulate contamination analysis, particle sizing and high-resolution microscopy.



Topics: analytical testing, Blog, forensic analysis, forensic expert, Material Science Replays, Materials Science, product failure, product liability testing, Recorded Webinars


Written by Admin

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