
The Particle Articles

Improve Employee Morale and Performance through Continued Training Opportunities

[fa icon="calendar"] Aug 30, 2013 12:54:38 PM / by Tricia Wood


Training can take various forms such as formal or informal classes, mentoring, on-the-job training, off-the-job training, etc. Regardless of the approach, the underlying benefits that a company gains from training are numerous.

Training gives the employee a sense of security and ownership in the company, and it can help to build cohesiveness between co-workers. The more satisfied the employees are, the greater the morale, and the greater the contribution to the success of the organization. Satisfied employees are less likely to leave and/or miss work. To that end, training helps to drive employee loyalty.

Because well-trained employees require less supervision, this can result in a savings of time, money and resources. As such, thorough employee training and development will increase both efficiency and quality of work.

Once an organization embraces training and development of its employees, it will see a dramatic improvement in performance and productivity, not to mention an improvement in the overall culture and morale, which is an intangible benefit that can outweigh any cost.

Topics: Blog, employee loyalty, mentoring, morale, Quality Assurance, Quality Corner, training

Tricia Wood

Written by Tricia Wood

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