
The Particle Articles

IFPAC Presentation: Forensic Analysis of Foreign Particles in Pharmaceutical Materials

[fa icon="calendar"] Feb 26, 2013 12:20:56 PM / by Rebekah Byrne

At this years IFPAC - 2013 27th International Forum and Exhibition Process Analytical Technology, I gave a presentation titled Forensic Analysis of Foreign Particles in Pharmaceutical Materials.

The presentation focused on the presence of foreign particulate matter and other contaminants that can halt the production of drug products for weeks, even months, until the contaminant and the source are identified and the issue is fully resolved. I also discuss how the time-tested, advanced problem-solving approach called pharmaceutical forensics can help to quickly identify foreign particulate matter and answer questions as to how, where and when it originated.

You can now download the presentation here:
Forensic Analysis of Foreign Particles in Pharmaceutical Materials

And as always, feel free to contact me if you would like more information.

Topics: Blog, contaminants, foreign particulate matter, IFPAC, Pharmaceutical, pharmaceutical forensics

Rebekah Byrne

Written by Rebekah Byrne

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