
The Particle Articles

Gateway Analytical Visits Waynesburg University

[fa icon="calendar"] Mar 18, 2013 1:10:43 PM / by Cara Plese

Last week, myself and Sara Nedley, QA specialist, visited Waynesburg  Universityto talk to students of the Forensic Science program.  The undergraduate forensic science students got to see the AAFS presentation “What Judges and Lawyers need to Know about the Science behind Trace Evidence Examination” and also had the opportunity to ask questions about what to expect in the forensic science field as either a scientist or a quality specialist, and also talk about graduate school, internships, research, and how to get involved in the forensic science community.

It was really great to talk to a group of students who are all very interested in making a positive impact in the field of forensic science.  In addition to their required course work, most students were very interested in research opportunities and also how to get involved in forensic science affiliations on both a regional level, such as the Midatlantic Association of Forensic Scientists (MAAFS), and also a career-specific  level such as the American Academy of Trace Evidence Examiners (ASTEE) and the Society of Forensic Toxicologists (SOFT), among others.

It was definitely a great opportunity and a rewarding experience to meet some promising students and to get to spend some time with them talking about the forensic science field.

Topics: Blog, Community, Forensic Community, Forensic Science program, Forensic Training, forensics, Waynesburg University

Cara Plese

Written by Cara Plese

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