
The Particle Articles

Gateway Analytical to Present in Jurisprudence Section at AAFS 2013

[fa icon="calendar"] Feb 5, 2013 2:34:46 PM / by Cara Plese

Gateway Analytical is very excited to be presenting at the 2013 AAFS Annual Meeting in Washington DC this year!  Cara Plese and Antonio Scatena will be presenting “What Judges and Lawyers Need to Know about the Science Behind Trace Evidence” on Friday, February 22nd at 10:40am.  As our presentation date is quickly approaching, we wanted to give a short summary of what attendees should expect.

The presentation is specifically for attorneys and judges and will give a brief technical background on a variety of instruments used to analyze the wide array of samples that fall into the trace evidence category.  We will talk about the strength of trace evidence conclusions and how they can best be used in court.  Also, we will discuss case studies in which trace evidence was used successfully at trials.  After attending our talk, we hope that our audience will have gained a stronger understanding of the scientific methods behind trace evidence investigations and what questions can be answered by such analyses.

For those of you who will not be in attendance at this particular meeting, please feel free browse through previously presented forensic webinar replays which focus on specific areas of trace evidence.


Topics: 2013 AAFS Annual Meeting, Blog, forensic expert, Forensics, forensics, scientific methods, trace evidence, Trace Evidence

Cara Plese

Written by Cara Plese

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