
The Particle Articles

Foreign Particulate and Glass Delamination Investigations using Automated Raman/LIBS

[fa icon="calendar"] Nov 19, 2014 1:29:23 AM / by Rebekah Byrne

Presented at: 2014 AAPS Conference
 Angela Flowers, Rebekah Byrne, Emily Landsperger, David Exline
Release Date: November 2014

2014-AAPS-PosterForeign particulate matter in drug products is a common problem in the pharmaceutical industry that can have major impacts on pharmaceutical companies, from both financial and safety aspects. While manual particulate characterization is best suited for many investigations, automated Raman /LIBS analysis can offer additional insight and investigative solutions to contamination issues, including foreign particulate matter and glass delamination. The purpose of this poster presentation is to describe the methodologies and effectiveness of utilizing automated Raman / LIBS analysis techniques versus routine manual testing methodologies. When launching an investigation, it is important to determine the scope of the project, so that one can best determine which method will provide the most informative results.



Topics: 2014 AAPS Poster, analytical testing, automated Raman, Blog, foreign particulate, foreign particulate matter, glass delamination, particulate characterization, Posters & Presentations, Raman/LIBS

Rebekah Byrne

Written by Rebekah Byrne

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