
The Particle Articles

Chemically-specific Characterization of Particulate in Inhalable Drug Products using Raman and Laser-induced Breakdown Spectroscopy

[fa icon="calendar"] Dec 11, 2014 3:00:08 PM / by Oksana Olkhovyk

Presented at: Drug Delivery to the Lungs 25 (DDL25)
 O Olkhovyk1, C Vernall2, R Price2 and J Shur2
1. Gateway Analytical, 5316 William Flynn Highway, Gibsonia, PA, 15044, USA,
2. University of Bath, Bath, BA2 7AY, UK
Release Date: December 2014

The impact of foreign particulate and agglomerates on dissolution profile and permeability of the inhalable drug particles within the sites of action (i.e. patient’s lungs) is critical. In this study, Raman Chemical Imaging (RCI) and Raman/ Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) were used to investigate the Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API) Particle Size Distribution (PSD), degree of particles aggregation and presence of foreign particulate in commercial inhalable products. Automated Raman/LIBS analysis was used to investigative the contamination issues and to establish the size and chemical makeup (metallic, organic or inorganic) of foreign particulates. The particulate population results obtained by Raman/LIBS analysis are shown to be advantageous in an investigation of non-conformance/safety of the inhalable products.


Topics: Automated Raman/LIBS, Blog, foreign particulate, non-conformance/safety, particle size distribution, particles aggregation, Posters & Presentations

Oksana Olkhovyk

Written by Oksana Olkhovyk

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