
The Particle Articles

Chemically Specific Particle Sizing & Agglomerate Analysis Services

[fa icon="calendar"] May 15, 2014 1:56:56 PM / by Admin

This short video explains the differences between standard analytical testing techniques for particle size distribution analysis and Gateway Analytical's unique chemically specific analysis services that utilize Raman Chemical Imaging.

This advanced analysis can provide customers with specific details about their suspension including; particle size distribution, characterization, and agglomerate/aggregate or polymorph chemical identification.

In additional to the wealth of informative data that Raman Chemcial Imaging provides, Gateway Analytical scientist have over 10 years of experience working with company's to guide them on the regulatory requirements necessary for a successful FDA submission.

Learn more about our chemically specific particle sizing and agglomerate analysis services:

View the full listing of our analytical testing services.


Topics: aqueous suspension formulations, bioequivalence, Blog, chemically specific analysis, chemically specific particle sizing, Ingredient-Specific Particle Sizing, particle size distribution, particle sizing, pharmaceutical formulation, Raman chemical imaging, Videos


Written by Admin

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