
The Particle Articles

Gateway Analytical to Present on Spatially-resolved Raman Imaging for Ingredient-Specific Characterization of Combination Dry Powder Inhalers

[fa icon="calendar"] Jun 12, 2014 1:25:51 PM / by Admin

PITTSBURGH, June 12th, 2014 — Gateway Analytical announced today that they will be presenting a poster session that focused on using Raman Imaging for chemically specific characterization of Combination Dry Powder Inhalers at the Sixteenth International Workshop on Physical Characterization of Pharmaceutical Solids (IWPCPS®-16), June 16-19th in Prague, Czech Republic.

The IWPCPS®-16 promotes and presents the latest in progressive solid pharmaceutical sciences along with extensive discussion opportunities and sessions topics devoted to the latest tools and methods for the enhanced development of solid-state pharmaceutical drugs.

During the conference, Dr. Oksana Olkhovyk, Senior Scientist at Gateway Analytical, will be presenting a poster session titled “Spatially-resolved Raman Imaging for Ingredient-Specific Characterization of Combination Dry Powder Inhalers” that will showcase how Raman Chemical Imaging (RCI) is a powerful method for characterizing complex combinational therapeutics such as dry powder inhalers with more than one active pharmaceutical ingredient for aerosolization (the act of converting the drug substance into the form of inhalable particles). RCI helps to address drug developers’ needs to accurately identify and size not only primary drug particles but also aggregates based on their unique spectroscopic properties, a technique which is currently not possible with other common particle sizing technologies.

“This will be our first year presenting at IWPCPS®-16 and we are looking forward to showcasing how RCI can be an invaluable tool for drug developers,” said David Exline, Senior Vice President at Gateway Analytical. “Specifically when it comes to the detailed information RCI can provide about a drugs’ aggregated particles and polymorphs, which can be critical for understanding a products bioavailability”

Gateway Analytical is a full-service, cGMP compliant, FDA registered and inspected laboratory with specialized expertise in techniques for chemically specific analysis and particulate contamination identification. For more information on Gateway Analytical pharmaceutical investigation services, contact Tracey Safran, Senior Account Manager at safrant@gatewayanalytical.com.


About Gateway Analytical

Based in Gibsonia, Pa., Gateway Analytical, LLC partners with companies in need of high-quality laboratory analysis that do not have the time, resources or capabilities for specialized, comprehensive testing. Through conventional and innovative testing methods, the company provides expert laboratory services and analytical solutions for the pharmaceutical, forensic and materials science industries.

Gateway Analytical is a subsidiary of ChemImage Corporation, a leader in chemical imaging technology and instrumentation.

About ChemImage

ChemImage Corporation, a leader in hyperspectral and Raman chemical imaging technology provides innovative instrumentation, analysis software, contract services and expert consulting to government, industrial and academic organizations. The company’s proprietary, state-of-the-art imaging technology has many applications, including defense, security, pharmaceuticals, forensics and biomedical diagnostic research, which can reveal critical chemical and biological information from a variety of material systems.

ChemImage’s headquarters are located in Pittsburgh, PA, where it pioneers research and development, as well as providing engineering and manufacturing which develops innovative products for the global marketplace.

Topics: bioavailability, Blog, characterizing DPIs, News Releases, particle characterization, Raman chemical imaging


Written by Admin

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