
The Particle Articles

Rebekah Byrne

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Highland Middle School Lecture “Science: It’s Not Just a Bunch of Big Words.”

[fa icon="calendar'] Mar 6, 2013 8:00:51 AM / by Rebekah Byrne posted in Blog, Community, Forensics

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On February 28th, I returned to Highland Middle School (Blackhawk School District) to give an educational lecture to the 7th grade science classes.

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IFPAC Presentation: Forensic Analysis of Foreign Particles in Pharmaceutical Materials

[fa icon="calendar'] Feb 26, 2013 12:20:56 PM / by Rebekah Byrne posted in Blog, contaminants, foreign particulate matter, IFPAC, Pharmaceutical, pharmaceutical forensics

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At this years IFPAC - 2013 27th International Forum and Exhibition Process Analytical Technology, I gave a presentation titled Forensic Analysis of Foreign Particles in Pharmaceutical Materials.

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Rebekah Leigh Byrne, Manager of Research & Development

[fa icon="calendar'] Jan 29, 2013 2:48:31 PM / by Rebekah Byrne posted in analytical testing, Authors, Blog, forensics, FTIR, HIAC (USP), Molecular/DNA analysis, pharmaceutical, quality assurance, quality control, quality management system, microscopy, sem-eds

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Rebekah Byrne, Forensic Scientist
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Forensic Analysis of Foreign Particles in Pharmaceutical Materials at the IFPAC Annual Meeting

[fa icon="calendar'] Jan 23, 2013 10:30:09 AM / by Rebekah Byrne posted in Blog, contamination investigations, deviation investigations, foreign particulate matter, non-conformance, Particle Identification in Pharmaceuticals, Pharmaceutical, pharmaceutical forensics

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Conference: IFPAC - 2013 27th International Forum and Exhibition Process Analytical Technology
Location: Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A.
Date: Wednesday, January 23rd during the PM VIII Session
Time: 1 – 5 pm

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Course Review - Manufacturing & Testing of PSA Tapes

[fa icon="calendar'] Sep 20, 2012 12:00:58 PM / by Rebekah Byrne posted in Blog, Forensics, Trace Evidence

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Trace evidence encompasses a number of possible sample types, from fibers to hairs to gunshot residue.  One of the commonly encountered types of trace evidence is tape evidence.  In order to properly understand tape from a trace evidence perspective, it is helpful to understand the manufacture process of the product.

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Gateway Analytical Receives Controlled Substance Registration Certificate from the Drug Enforcement Administration

[fa icon="calendar'] Jul 26, 2012 4:20:53 PM / by Rebekah Byrne posted in Blog, Controlled Substance Registration, DEA, drug scheduling, Pharmaceutical, pharmaceutical forensics

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Gateway Analytical is proud to announce that we have obtained our Controlled Substance Registration Certificate issued by the United States Department of Justice Drug Enforcement Administration’s Office of Diversion Control.

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Acquisition of Third SEM-EDS System will be Used Exclusively for the Analysis of Forensic Gunshot Residue Evidence

[fa icon="calendar'] Jul 13, 2012 10:40:21 AM / by Rebekah Byrne posted in Blog, crime scene investigation, energy dispersive spectroscopy, forensic expert, Forensics, forensics, GSR analysis, gunshot residue analysis, Gunshot Residue Evidence, scanning electron microscope, trace evidence, Trace Evidence, sem-eds

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SEM image of a GSR particle coupled with the EDS spectrum of its elemental composition
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A New Approach to 3D Scanning for Fracture Matching, Toolmarks and Impression Evidence

[fa icon="calendar'] May 22, 2012 10:30:15 AM / by Rebekah Byrne posted in Blog, forensic expert, Forensics, forensics, fracture matching, impression evidence, trace evidence, Trace Evidence

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Forensic science is a field that has taken leaps and bounds over the past several years.  From the advent of DNA analysis to the continued technological advancements in the sciences, the progress made in criminalistics has been remarkable.

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