
The Particle Articles

Analysis of Multi-Component Engineered Particles for Inhalation by Raman Chemical Imaging

[fa icon="calendar"] Dec 11, 2012 10:30:57 AM / by Oksana Olkhovyk

White Paper Preview:

One of the most promising trends in inhaled therapies over the past few years is the creation of particles that contain multiple active ingredients. Some studies have suggested that two, or even three, APIs deposited in the same location in the lung may have a synergistic effect.

Combination of the active ingredients within individual particles allows developers to create inhaled therapies that can achieve consistent localized delivery, and colocalization of topically delivered medicines can enhance efficacy at the molecular and cellular levels. The increased efficacy of these products may enable the use of lower doses, leading to safer drugs.


Topics: Articles & Publications, Blog, Pharmaceutical, White Papers

Oksana Olkhovyk

Written by Oksana Olkhovyk

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