
The Particle Articles

Webinar Recap: Laboratory Methods for the Examination of Foreign Particulate Matter

[fa icon="calendar'] Apr 30, 2012 10:30:22 AM / by Admin posted in Blog, FTIR, FTIR spectroscopy, Pharmaceutical, pharmaceutical, pharmaceutical forensics, quality assurance, quality control, quality management system, Raman chemical imaging, SEM/EDS, source determination

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On April 25th, 2012 we hosted a live webinar titled “Laboratory Methods for the Examination of Foreign Particulate Matter.” During the webinar our presenters, David Exline, Senior V.P. and Antonio Scatena, Scientist at Gateway Analytical, discussed current methods of particulate isolation, laboratory testing methods for identifying foreign particulates and the company's forensic approach to source determination. During the webinar we received a number of questions, below is a sample of the Q&A session at the end of the webinar.

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Robustness: An Often Overlooked and Under Appreciated Element of Method Validation

[fa icon="calendar'] Apr 17, 2012 12:17:36 PM / by Tricia Wood posted in Blog, method validation, Quality Assurance, quality assurance, quality control, Quality Corner, quality management system, quality system

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Method validation is the process of demonstrating that the performance characteristics of an analytical method meet the requirements of the intended use and extended range of interest.  Although the parameters may vary depending on the type of the method to be validated, common validation elements that need to be considered are:

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Gateway Analytical on Track to Meet 2012 ASCLD/LAB Quality Goal for Trace Evidence Analysis

[fa icon="calendar'] Apr 5, 2012 11:52:25 AM / by Tricia Wood posted in Blog, forensic fiber analysis, forensic hair analysis, Forensics, forensics, GSR analysis, gunshot residue analysis, quality assurance, quality control, quality management system, quality system, trace evidence, Trace Evidence

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I'm excited to say that Gateway Analytical is one step closer to achieving its 2012 goal of ASLCD/LAB accreditation for our forensic trace evidence analysis services. We've submitted the required application materials including the Quality Management System Manual, Statement of Qualifications (SOQs), and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), among others, which have been accepted by the assigned assessor and we are now undergoing a document gap analysis.   We expect our certification audit to be in May or June and look forward to meeting our goal of ASCLD/LAB accreditation in late Q3 or early Q4!

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